Showing posts with label Cognos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cognos. Show all posts

Friday, 22 April 2011

Search & Suggest Prompt in Cognos8.4

If you need a Google-like Select and Suggest Prompt like this:


(type in the first characters and Cognos will complete it with suggestions), just perform the following steps:

1. Create a prompt page
2. Insert a value prompt object
3. Name it something like 'dummy'
4. Skip the step 'Create a parameterized filger' (uncheck the box).
5. Create a new Query (Selecion Query for dummy)
and select the value to use and the value to display
(for example, city code and city name).
6. Set the properties of the value prompt:
- Required: No
- Visible: No
= Name: prmt
7. Insert a text box prompt (do not use the wizard, click op finish). Name: p_txt
8. Add three HTML items to the right of the text box:




9. Complete it by adding a query with the filter (like city code = ?city?)
10. Configuration of the first Javascript:
 this.actb_lim = 4;    // Number of elements autocomplete can show (-1: no limit)
 this.actb_firstText = false; // should the auto complete be limited to the beginning of keyword?
 this.actb_startcheck = 1; // Show widget only after this number of characters is typed in.

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Ad hoc Mini Mart

If you need to improve performance for complex reports, think about implementing a minimart on top of your datamart.

On of my customers was specifically interested in analysing linehauls with a certain origin and a certain destination.

I created a stored procedure that can be kicked off via a cognos report.

CREATE procedure [dbo].[pLoadVolumeAnalysisMiniMart]
@origin varchar(6)
, @destination varchar(6)
declare @loaddate datetime
set @loaddate = getdate()

truncate table VolumeAnalysis MiniMart

insert into VolumeAnalysisMiniMart
from VolumeAnalysisDataMart
where Origin = @origin
and Destination = @destination

select 'Mini Mart has been loaded' as Result


This procedure loads a table with a specific origin and a destination (in casu the number of records decreased from 21 million to several thousands). The dataload takes about 1-2 seconds.

In framework manager I created a star schema with the mini mart as a fact table and aliases of the (original) dimension tables.

I also added the stored procedure as query object:

call pLoadReportPromptSector;1(

In Report Studio I created a query with data item 'Result', prompts 'Origin' and 'Destination'.
As soon as the parameters are filled out, the procedure will be kicked off and the data will be loaded.

I also created hyperlink buttons on the report that links the user to several reports which retrieve the data from the minimart.

If you do not have schema's for each user, you can create separate tables or add column 'user' with #account. You can pass this variable to the procedure, so every user has it's own set of data.

See also: :

Many decisions makers not only need to analyze data from within the business unit,
but also across business units or the many segments within a business unit. Think of
it as market segmentation – cubes for more a selective audience.
Your customers can be grouped by segments of business units or smaller functional
groups with unique needs for reporting. Most segments will contain unique, pertinent
subsets of data along with business unit-wide data for decision making. Therefore,
cubes can be made from subsets of cubes in what I would call “minimarts.” These
are datasets that can be made “precise” for more targeted queries thereby
increasing performance, especially across a network, intranet, extranet (or even the
general public internet).
The pros are pretty clear by targeting your audience. Performance will be greater
than querying vast cubes of data that can go unused for most members of your
customer base.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Scheduled Cognos Reports

If you are not able to access Cognos Auditing reports
and you need to know which reports are scheduled, you
can query the Content Store. This script includes
the source of report views and the name of the package.

select report_or_report_view
, r.created
, r.modified
, r.disabled
, r.class
, r.description
, p.startdate
, p.enddate
, case when r.class = 'reportview' then else 'N/A' end as source_report_view
, case when r.class = 'report' then else end as package
from reports r
join cmobjects j on r.cmid = j.pcmid
join cmobjprops2 p on p.cmid = j.cmid
join cmrefnoord1 n on n.cmid = r.cmid
join reports s on s.cmid = n.refcmid
left join cmrefnoord1 q on q.cmid = s.cmid
left join reports t on t.cmid = q.refcmid
and (p.endtype = 0 or p.enddate >getdate())

You can fill the 'reports' table by executing the procedure
as described in my earlier post in

Content Store Reporting

Monday, 27 April 2009

Multiple years in a Cognos ReportNet Graph

If you visualize data to a line chart with 'zero-values' (or in my case, they do have values but they are excluded because of the fact that they belong to weeks with a public holiday) and you need to create a distinction between the years, there will be gaps in the line. See the graph below:


I needed to create a graph starting in week 44 (the start of the impact of the financial crises) without any gaps. The periods (200844-200943 and 200744-200843) had to have different to colours. If you create a chart without series, there is no distinction anymore between
the years.




Tabular data: (the data item 'Serie'' is defined in Report Studio).


To place all historical data on one line, I added a week_key column which is the concatination of the year and the week. I added the 'serie column' as a serie (instead of year). In the properties of the level item of the week_key I set 'Sort' on 'ascending':



It didn't work immediately as the 'key property' of the level item 'week_key' had to be set on 'Yes':


After this, the result was:


Another usage of this:



20090428 - Query SalesQuarter

Sunday, 29 March 2009

Automated Cognos Report Documentation

If you need a list with all reports (Cognos ReportNet or Cognos8), including the location of the report you can query the content store. It's easy to retrieve a list like:

GO Data Warehouse/Employee ProfileEmployee Profile2005-09-07 18:06:45.7902007-01-04 20:43:34.617powerplay cubeStewart JamesHuman resources cube showing data for each employee.
GO Data Warehouse/Sales Target by RegionSales Target by Region2005-07-17 20:04:09.8902007-01-04 20:44:12.587powerplay reportStewart JamesReport showing sales target by region using a prompt to provide values for the report.
GO Data Warehouse/Tool TipsTool Tips2005-08-23 19:26:18.1272007-01-04 20:44:30.040reportStewart JamesReport that shows tool tips and baselines in chart.
GO Sales and Retailers/Actual Sales against Target SalesActual Sales against Target Sales2005-05-27 20:46:43.6402006-12-14 15:41:06.260reportMelvin JohnThe report shows a simple list with conditional formatting that drills through to the Sales Representative Contact List report.
GO Sales and Retailers/Actual Sales against Target Sales-burstActual Sales against Target Sales-burst2005-05-27 20:50:06.9102006-12-14 15:41:15.463reportMelvin JohnReport that is set up for bursting to email addresses. The email addresses point to sales representatives in the Sales reps table in the GOSALES database.
GO Sales and Retailers/Banded ReportBanded Report2005-05-27 20:57:01.4802006-12-14 15:41:26.433reportMelvin JohnBanded report that shows Product name Quantity and Revenue with sales opportunities for each Product line category.
GO Sales and Retailers/Business Details Drill ThroughBusiness Details Drill Through2005-05-27 19:12:28.6272006-12-14 15:42:07.150reportMelvin JohnReport that shows product details in charts. This report is a drill-through target report for the GO Business View report. You can also run it as a product-prompted report.
GO Sales and Retailers/Consumer TrendsConsumer Trends2007-01-05 15:35:24.0032007-01-05 16:24:21.317reportMelvin JohnThis complex report shows a list chart bar chart and product images to illustrate revenue by product type.
GO Sales/Conditional DisplayConditional Display2006-05-30 18:42:25.1572007-01-04 20:45:26.793reportDropster TinaThe report uses a prompt page to query a chart and a list report.
GO Sales/Custom LegendCustom Legend2005-05-19 18:57:04.3172007-01-04 20:45:34.840reportDropster TinaThe report shows that the legend can be customized in a similar way to the titles.
GO Sales/Orders ReportOrders Report2005-06-13 12:50:18.6802007-01-04 20:45:52.907report viewDropster TinaThis report shows the default style applied to List Column Title and the List Column Body in a single step.
GO Sales/Product ReportProduct Report2005-05-19 18:56:43.6832007-01-04 20:47:20.690reportDropster TinaThe report displays combination charts with drills through options.
GO Sales/Retailer Report (Multiple Prompt Values)Retailer Report (Multiple Prompt Values)2005-06-16 16:50:21.9372007-01-04 20:56:16.270reportDropster TinaThis list report accepts multiple prompt values.
GO Sales/Returns by Order Method -Prompted ChartReturns by Order Method -Prompted Chart2005-08-05 17:00:31.9072007-01-04 20:56:56.177reportDropster TinaThis report uses a bar chart and a list to show the reasons why products are returned. It uses a prompt to filter on the return description. It is illustrated in the Getting Started tutorial.
GO Sales/Revenue by Sales TerritoryRevenue by Sales Territory2005-06-14 18:19:12.6532007-01-04 21:00:04.703reportDropster TinaThe report shows a chart and a crosstab display with conditional formatting that drills through to the Orders Report report.
GO Sales/Top 5 Sales StaffTop 5 Sales Staff2005-07-22 23:44:55.9072007-01-04 21:00:13.737reportDropster TinaThis list report embeds a bar chart that shows the top five sales representatives by sales targets and revenue.
GO Sales/Top Revenue (Conditional)Top Revenue (Conditional)2005-06-16 19:22:10.1602007-01-04 21:00:27.347reportDropster TinaA list report that conditionally hides the Product Line group footers for the revenue lower than the specified value.

The only hard part is to create the location. You have the implement a user defined function to join the parent cmid (pcmid) to the cmid. A stored procedure fills a table with all the info you need. I wrote a script that works for ReportNet and Cognos8:

First create the UDF and the stored procedure:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_GetParentPath] ( @pCurrentNodeID INT )
DECLARE @vCurrentNodeName VARCHAR(50)
IF @pCurrentNodeID IS NULL OR @pCurrentNodeID = 0
SELECT @vCurrentNodeName = [name], @vParentID = [pcmid],@pCurrentNodeID =[cmid]
FROM [dbo].[reports]
WHERE [cmid] = @pCurrentNodeID
RETURN ISNULL([dbo].[ufn_GetParentPath] ( @vParentID ) + '/', '') + @vCurrentNodeName

CREATE procedure [dbo].[pLoadReportData]
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[reports]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTable') = 1)
drop table reports
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[reports](
[cmid] [int] NOT NULL,
[localeid] [smallint] NOT NULL,
[mapdlocaleid] [smallint] NULL,
[isdefault] [bit] NOT NULL,
[name] [nvarchar](256) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
[pcmid] [int] NOT NULL,
[version] [int] NOT NULL,
[created] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[modified] [datetime] NOT NULL,
[disabled] [tinyint] NULL,
[class] [nvarchar](50) NOT NULL,
[dispseq] [int] NOT NULL,
[contactemail] [varchar] (128) NULL,
[contact] [varchar] (128) NULL,
[description] [nvarchar] (3772) NULL,
[owner] [int] NULL,
[path] [nvarchar](max) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[spec] XML NULL

create index ix_cmid on reports (cmid)

insert into reports
, localeid
, mapdlocaleid
, isdefault
, name
, pcmid
, version
, created
, modified
, disabled
, class
, dispseq
, owner
, path
, n.localeid
, n.mapdlocaleid
, n.isdefault
, o.pcmid
, o.version
, o.created
, o.modified
, o.disabled
, o.dispseq
, o.owner
, '' path
from cmobjnames n join cmobjects o
on n.cmid = o.cmid and o.classid in (0,1,10,18,19,33,81,82)
join cmclasses c on o.classid = c.classid and n.isdefault = 1

update reports
set contact =
, contactemail = c.contactemail
from cmobjprops10 c
join reports on c.cmid = reports.cmid

update reports
set description = d.value
from cmobjprops3 d
join reports on d.cmid = reports.cmid
and d.isdefault = 1

update reports
set path = x.path
(SELECT [dbo].[ufn_GetParentPath] ( [cmid] ) AS [Path], [name],[cmid]
FROM [dbo].[reports]) x
where reports.cmid = x.cmid


Run (and schedule) the stored procedure.

Create a view to exclude the folder, package, root and content items:

create view [dbo].[v_reports]
, name
, created
, modified
, class
, description
, contact
, contactemail
from reports
where class in ('report','reportview','powerplaycube','powerplay report')


'select * from v_reports order by path'

will do the final part of the job.

I implemented this for a customer with >37000 (!) reports, report views, cubes and cube reports. In this case, the script runs in about 10-15 seconds.

Thursday, 19 March 2009

Date range filter in Cognos8 ReportStudio based on dynamic date/fixed time.

Today I needed to report data in Cognos8.2 Report Studio with a date range filter, based on the current day and yesterday (dynamic) and a designated (fixed) time.

Values had to be extracted with a DateTime between yesterday 9 AM and today 9 AM. As we use an Oracle database it should be easy like:

[DateTime] >= TO_TIMESTAMP (to_char({sysdate}-1) || ' 09:00:00.000000', 'DD-Mon-RR HH24:MI:SS.FF')
[DateTime] < TO_TIMESTAMP (to_char({sysdate}) || ' 09:00:00.000000', 'DD-Mon-RR HH24:MI:SS.FF')

However, on this particular reporting environment, we are not permitted to use native functions. Hence, I wrote the Cognos8 syntax (in the Detail Filter expression):



extract(year,(_add_days(current_date,-1) ) )
, extract(month, (_add_days(current_date,-1) ) )
, extract(day, (_add_days(current_date,-1) ) )


>=9 hour




extract(year,current_date )
, extract(month,current_date )
, extract(day,current_date )


<9 hour

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Migration of Cognos7.4 Transformer to Cognos8.4

Today I needed to migrate Cognos Transformer 7.4 models to Cognos 8.4.
The iqd's have been created with the externalize method in Framework Manager.
Series 7 IQD bridge is not installed.

First test was to run a model by using the Open With ... function (together with browsing to
the cogtr.exe application). That failed:

That's a confusing error message because Cognos.INI is not used anymore in this version (it's the CS7G.ini, where I entered the correct database connection strings).
Off course, the batch file kicked off in SSIS containing "c:\program files\cognos\c8\bin\cogtr.exe" -n -s -kLOGON=%DBCRED%"d:\cube\cube model\model.mdl" also failed.

After that I opened the application cogtr.exe itself. From Transformer I browsed to a model and opened it. Guess what? No problems where shown. This means, the following change in the SSIS-execute process task should have the same impact:

Executable: c:\program files\cognos\c8\bin\cogtr.exe
Arguments: -n -s -kLOGON=%DBCRED%"d:\cube\cube model\model.mdl
WorkingDirectory: c:\program files\cognos\c8\bin\

This change was successful indeed.
Honestly, I have no clue about the root cause of this misbehaviour.
Anyway, the 'workaround' works.